Conceived as two intersecting low-slung cantenary canopies, the resulting architectural gesture extends the Parque de la Ex- posición into a new urban plaza above, while oating over a series of intimate galleries and classrooms below. The draped cantenaries of the canopies establish a formal relationship with the existing Palacio de la Exposición, echoing the museum’s internal covered courtyard while complementing the harmonics of its neo-classical façade. The canopies are optimized to preserve views
of the western façade of the Palacio while de ning entrances to the existing Palacio de la Exposición to the east and Parque de la Exposición to the south, and pedestrian corridors to the west and north.
Inside, the new wing is experienced as single cavernous space that excavates be- low grade. Entering from the north or south, the single exhibition hall houses galleries and classrooms that are dispersed and ock in plan. In section, the canopies and oor- plates warp to connect inside to out, break- ing down the barriers between the curatorial space of the museum and the social space of the city. Where the canopies self-inter- sect, a third entrance is de ned, bridging the new wing and urban plaza to the existing Palacio’s western entrances. Thus, the new wing for contemporary art is conceived as a dynamic cultural platform that as an institu- tion is also delicate and deferential.
From this simple gesture of two draped canopies, we extend a larger vision for the Parque de la Exposición. The new contemporary art wing sponsors a fractal matrix of planting and hardscape activating underutilized habitat.